UTAH Dryer
Repair & Tips

Kinked Dryer Vent Hose –
This is a very common heating problem in dryers. If your Vent Hose is kinked, it will restrict air flow, and can also build up with lint much faster than normal. A kinked vent hose can cause a multitude of problems in dryers, and can easily burn out the element.

Moisture Sensor –
Many dryers come with a moisture sensor ("Auto-Dry") setting . This senses when the clothes are mostly dry and automatically shuts off the dryer. This function is to conserve energy so that your dryer is not running more than necessary. Most dryers have this function available.

Vent Cleaning & Lint Filter –
Clean your dryer lint filter after each dryer load to avoid excess lint. Also, If your dryer vent is plugged with lint, the dryer will become less efficient, and will have to work harder. You should clean out your vent at least once yearly. A plugged dryer vent is a leading cause of house fires.

Check Your Circuit Breaker – Sometimes when your dryer won't turn on, it means the Circuit Breaker has flipped. Check this before scheduling a service call. It may save you a lot of time, headache, and costs.
Electric Ranges
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